Download MorphOS compatible software

Last update: 27.07.2016

Software > Office:

Program CPUReleased LicenceHP Description
Agenda PPC
25.11.2005Freeware nice and easy address & phone book
AmiATLAS 6.6068k CommercialHPcomfortable route calculation program
AmiElvis 1.568k08.04.1992OpenSource text editor, Unix vi/ex clone
Amifish 1.204PPC
21.06.2008FreewareHPquick and easy interface for Babelfish
AmigaWriter 2.20 DemoPPC
23.08.2000CommercialHPDTP program, compatible with MS Word documents
AmiMemos 0.8068k21.05.2003Freeware a memo utility
AmokED 1.3068k12.10.1992Freeware text editor based on DME
Antiword 0.37PPC15.11.2005FreewareHPconvert Word docs (6, 7, 97, 2000 and 2002) to plain text, PS, PDF, XML
April 1.5PPC09.08.2006FreewareHPsn attractive, fully configurable desktop calendar and organiser for MorphOS
ascii2jascii 1.1mPPC
16.08.2006Freeware convert ASCII to Japanese ASCII
BareED 0.999468k26.05.2008Freeware text editor supporting proportional fonts
BDEditor PPC Commercial czech DTP program
Blacks Editor 1.1a68k04.12.1997Shareware text editor
Calimero 2.0PPC17.01.2016Freeware A DTP Program
Cinnamon Writer 0.90 betaPPC05.05.2013FreewareHPword processor, DocX support
contrib_ghostscript 1.1268k07.07.2011OpenSourceHPinstaller script for latest Ghostscript 8.60
CygnusED 4.22PPC
13.12.2003CommercialHPtext editor (MorphOS Patch 4.22 deleted)
CygnusED 5 Demo68k11.06.2006CommercialHPtext editor
DIEd 2.468k23.10.1990Shareware full screen ANSI text editor
eNote 1.668k09.05.2002Cardware electronical notebook
FileX 2.4PPC16.04.2006Freeware binary file editor
Final Copy 2 68k00.00.1992Commercial word processing program
Final Writer 97 68k Commercial DTP program
FreeED 1.168k29.10.2001Freeware simple text editor
GoldED AIX 68k Freeware text editor
Gread 1.1hPPC04.04.2009Freeware textreader with beautiful background gradient colors
GuideCheck 1.23PPC20.04.2005FreewareHPAmigaGuide syntax checker and more
HomeBank 3.2 Beta 1PPC05.02.2006Freeware MUI personal accounts manager
hpdf 2.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPlibrary for generating PDF files
Htmldoc 1.8.27PPC09.05.2008OpenSource convert HTML to PDF, PostScript
Ignition 1.0 Beta168k12.08.2006CommercialHPmodern spreadsheet program with a small but relational all-purpose database (betaversion for free)
JanoEditor 1.01dPPC OpenSourceHPtext editor
Lemacs 3.668k10.05.1987Freeware text editor, CLI, enhanced version of MicroEmacs
Ling 1.7 MOSPPC05.03.2008OpenSourceHPpasswords/accounts manager
man2web 0.88PPC16.02.2005FreewareHPconvert man pages to HTML
MegaED 1.268k02.09.1995Freeware text editor, german only
MicroEMACS 3.1068k27.03.1989Freeware port of EMACS like text editor
MicroGoldED 68k Freeware text editor
MorphED 1.3PPC24.11.2004MorphOS text editor (modules for C, HTML, etc.), part of MOS SDK
MUIbase 3.2PPC27.07.2016FreewareHPa programmable relational database with GUI
MyNotes 0.568k01.01.2003FreewareHPsimple MUI based QuickNote clone
nano 2.1.2PPC27.06.2008OpenSource an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor
NoWinED 0.82PPC
01.05.2010OpenSourceHPNoWinED is a MUI-based TextEditor that can handle more files simultaneously, using different \\\"pages\\\" for each file.
odg-import PPC27.07.2009Freeware PageStream module, Draw import
Organiser 68k Commercial tool to manage events, contacts and tasks
PageStream 468k CommercialHPDTP program
Papyrus Office X PPC CommercialHPoffice bundle compatible with Microsoft Office
Pdftohtml 0.36PPC16.09.2004OpenSource translates PDF documents into HTML format
PdfToHtml/Ps 0.31/0.90PPC29.05.2001Freeware convert PDF Documents to HTML
PolyOrganiser 1.16PPC30.10.2009FreewareHPgeneral tool to manage events, contacts and tasks
Převodník 1.4768k24.05.2000Shareware czech texts and catalogs converter
psmark 2.1PPC23.10.2004OpenSource psmark renders a vertical string on any PostScript document
QuickNote 1.4a68k14.03.2001Freeware notepad for scrap-notes
QuickSketch 1.0368k21.05.2005FreewareHPsimple WB-prg to sketch and write in
rman 3.2 guidePPC13.06.2007OpenSource converts man pages to AGuide
SAB 2.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource SAB (Secure Address Book with AES encryption on MUI)
SavED 1.268k20.04.1999Freeware HEX-editor
SCANdal 1.5PPC25.03.2011FreewareHPscanner utility, supports BetaScan drivers (form. known as MUI Scan)
Scriba 1.9.7PPC14.09.2013FreewareHPsimple word processor
THE 3.3B1PPC16.10.2008FreewareHPThe Hessling Editor, a free XEDIT clone, req. PowerSDL
TKEd 1.1768k24.01.1994Freeware Intuition based ASCII editor
TuiTED 2.7b68k08.05.2005Freeware text Editor with syntax highlightning
TurboCalc 5 Demo68k21.04.1998Commercial spreadsheet
VIM 6.3.031PPC OpenSource text editor, CLI
VIM 6.068k04.01.2002OpenSource powerful text editor
wvWare 0.7.2PPC09.05.2002Freeware convert Word docs to HTML, ASCII, LateX...
XBaze 7.3.168k29.04.2005FreewareHPvery easy2use flexible and fast database
xlhtml 0.5PPC13.02.2005OpenSourceHPconvert Excel/Powerpoint files to HTML
xpdfTools 3.00PPC16.02.2005FreewareHPcollection of tools to manipulate PDF documents (pdftops, pdftotext, pdfinfo, pdffonts, pdftoppm, pdfimages)
xsltproc PPC09.05.2008OpenSource XSLT processor, transform an XML file with an XSLT file
Yacas 1.0.49PPC10.03.2002OpenSourceHPYet Another Computer Algebra System, Matlab like

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Czech PowerPC User Group