Download MorphOS compatible software

Last update: 10.03.2022

Software > Development:

Program CPUReleased LicenceHP Description
AmiBlitz3 3.31 RC268k20.05.2009Freeware programming language for AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4.x and MorphOS. BlitzBasic2 successor, many improvements: direct FPU support and more optimizations, TK_Includes (Thilo Koehler) = functions for GUI design, 2D/3D graphics, AHI sound support a streaming, TCP-IP, etc.
AmigaE 3.3a68k28.10.1997FreewareHPthe Amiga E v3.3a distribution
AmigaPython 2.068k31.10.2000OpenSource Python language 2.0 (patch 2.01)
AutoDocReader 1.6.5PPC
21.12.2010FreewareHPviewer for autodocs, header C and other text file
BinToC 2.13PPC
28.05.2006FreewareHPbinary to C source converter
bin2c 1.1PPC21.10.2004FreewareHPconverts any kind of binary data into c source
Bison 2.3PPC28.12.2006OpenSourceHPGNU Bison - parser generator
byacc 1.9 20070509PPC16.11.2007OpenSourceHPBerkeley Yacc (yet another compiler-compiler), an LALR(1) parser generator
CatchHit Nov 2008 PPC06.11.2008FreewareHPMorphOS hit interceptor
Cubic IDE DemoPPC
25.11.2008Commercial Integrated Development Environment for AmigaOS and MorphOS
CVS 1.12.11PPC02.02.2006FreewareHPCVS (Concurrent Versions System)
Debug 1.1PPC24.07.2008FreewareHPControls Exec debug settings from commandline
DIL Dev 1.5PPC09.11.2008Freeware Device Intervation Layer, development archive
Distributed LISP PPC Freeware LISP programming language, shared library
DOC++ 3.4.10PPC03.12.2004OpenSourceHPdocumentation system for C, C++, IDL and Java generating both TeX output for high quality hardcopies and HTML output
E Compiler X 2.3.1PPC
13.10.2013OpenSourceHPECX, E programming language (MorphOS ELF)
E Compiler X Src 2.3.1PPC
13.10.2013OpenSourceHPECX source code
emptyhandler 1.0PPC09.12.2008OpenSource filehandler example, creates empty files
FindModule 2.368k24.05.2007FreewareHPE, find OS Function or CONST or whatever you want in your modulebase
FlexCat 2.17PPC03.04.2015OpenSourceHPFlexible catalogs, creates catalogs and the source to handle them (C, Asm, Oberon, E, ARexx, Modula...)
FreePascal 2.0.4PPC28.08.2006OpenSourceHPPascal programming language
GCC 2.95.4-7PPC20.11.2006OpenSource GNU C/C++ programming language (MorphOS ELF)
GCC 4.0.3-1PPC12.11.2006OpenSource GNU C/C++ programming language (MorphOS ELF)
GCC 2.95.3PPC14.05.2007MorphOSHPgg gcc update
GD 2.0.10PPC28.12.2006FreewareHPa graphics library for fast image creation
GG binutils 2.13.1-5PPC11.03.2005OpenSource binutils port for MorphOS, mainly to use with new GCC 2.95.4 with AltiVec support
GG binutils 2.9.1PPC14.05.2007MorphOSHPgg binutils update
git source version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency
Hollywood For Cubic 1.1PPC
26.04.2009FreewareHPHollywood For Cubic IDE Add on
HuC 3.21PPC09.01.2007OpenSourceHPC compiler for making PC Engine games
27.09.2020FreewareHPSDL scripting with Hollywood
ChocolateCastle 0.7PPC13.10.2010OpenSource GUI based, parametrized source code generator for MUI and Reggae internal classes. Generates ready to compile skeletons. Source code included. Written by Grzegorz Kraszewski.
06.03.2018OpenSource MC680x0 reassembler
Jam 2.5PPC05.10.2005OpenSourceHPsoftware build tool and make replacement
Lemon 1.0PPC16.12.2008OpenSourceHPLALR(1) parser generator
libctrace 0.3PPC23.12.2006Freeware library to generate simple call traces
libfreetype2 2.3.2PPC13.03.2007OpenSourceHPdevelopment files for Freetype2
libpng 1.2.15PPC15.01.2007OpenSourceHPlibrary to handle portable network graphics in conjunction with Zlib which handles compression and decompression
libprofile 0.15PPC08.03.2007Freeware bit more complex profiler code for MorphOS
Library Examples 1.0PPC09.01.2005OpenSource code examples to create MorphOS native libraries
librosprite 0.0.1PPC10.12.2008OpenSource loads RISC OS sprite files
Libsndfile 0.0.28PPC28.07.2004OpenSource library of C routines for reading and writing files containing sampled audio data
libxml2 2.6.22PPC18.08.2006OpenSourceHPXML parser and toolkit
LISP 68k Freeware LISP programming language
LittleCms Dev 3.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPlittle colormanagement library - development files
logTool 2.6PPC27.05.2009FreewareHPanalyzing debug output, firewire support, req. PowerTerm 50.70 (MUICON)
LogTool 1.10PPC09.02.2007FreewareHPanalyzing debug output (formerly AnaLOGuer)
Lua 5.2.1PPC20.06.2012OpenSourceHPprogramming language
MAD 0.47PPC01.08.2015Freeware PowerPC assembly level debugger. Features single step, step over and skipping instruction. Displays full processor state. Code size limited to 32 MB. A bit minimalistic GUI. Written by Matthew Gundry.
Make 3.81PPC16.02.2005OpenSourceHPPOSIX compatible 'make' program
makedepend X11R7.0-1.0.0PPC30.12.2007OpenSourceHPcreate dependencies in makefiles
MapMasterDX 1.2PPC27.12.2007FreewareHPcreate maps for 2D games, mapmasterdx2.jpg
MorphOS SDK 1.0PPC24.11.2004MorphOSHPsoftware developer kit (GCC, G++) and documentation (MorphOS ELF), incl. grep etc.
MorphOS SDK 3.16 (20220309)PPC09.03.2022MorphOSHPMorphOS 3.16 Software Development Kit (GCC, C++), incl. source code editor Scribble, Lua interpreter
MorphOS 2.1 System Includes PPC14.09.2008FreewareHPpackage of MorphOS 2.1 system includes (for MorphOS SDK)
MUI Royale 1.7PPC
01.10.2017FreewareHPplugin for Hollywood that allows you to create MUI GUIs
MUIBuilder 2.3PPC18.01.2010Freeware MUI builder
MUIPlus PPC08.10.2004FreewareHPC++ wrapper classes for MorphOS MUI
NetSurf 2.0 SrcPPC
18.01.2009OpenSourceHPsource code for NetSurf 2.0 MorphOS port
Numeric 24.2PPC27.03.2007OpenSourceHPNumerical Extension to Python
Objc 3.2.7PPC26.09.2005OpenSource Object compiler
Object Browser 1.2PPC
19.11.2008FreewareHPObject Browser / System Explorer
OpenAL PPC21.05.2007OpenSourceHPcross-platform 3D audio API
OpenJPEG 1.3PPC17.02.2009OpenSourceHPOpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language
OpenPCI SDK 2.1PPC29.02.2008FreewareHPOpenPCI2 software developer kit
pcre.library 0.2PPC05.03.2005OpenSourceHPPerl regular expression library with ARexx support
pcx.decoder 51.5PPC26.12.2007FreewareHPthe class decodes ZSoft PCX pictures, update for Reggae-D
Perl 5.6.1PPC05.09.2004Freeware Practical Extraction and Report Language
PGU 0.10.1PPC08.03.2007OpenSourceHPpyGame Utilities - game libs, GUI and tools (level editor) for Python
PIL 1.1.7 SVN r10PPC11.06.2010OpenSourceHPPython imaging library
PortablE r6 betaPPC
11.12.2015FreewareHPrecreation of the AmigaE programming language, along with many improvements, supports AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4, AROS, MorphOS, Windows
PostgreSQL 6.3.2PPC30.08.2005OpenSource PostgreSQL Data Base Management System
PowerD 0.31PPC
01.08.2010Freeware D programming language, MorphOS support
PowerSDL SDK 16.1PPC22.12.2013OpenSource SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) software developer kit for MorphOS
PowerSDL SRC 16.1PPC22.12.2013OpenSource knihovna Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) - source codes
pth 2.0.7PPC20.04.2008OpenSourceHPGNU Pth - The GNU Portable Threads
Pygame 1.9.1PPC11.06.2010OpenSourceHPmodule to code games in Python and SDL, needs MorphOS 2.x and Python2.5 r134 or better
PyMUI 0.6 SVN r254PPC12.02.2012FreewareHPMUI Python library
Python 3.2.2 r176PPC25.02.2012OpenSourceHPPython programming language
Python 2.5.4 r165PPC13.02.2012OpenSourceHPPython programming language
RenderLib 40.8PPC
21.03.2005Freeware image processing kernel
Reslib 0.4PPC28.07.2006Freeware library to help detect memory leaks
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - source code 06.07.2011OpenSourceHPReturn to Castle Wolfenstein, source code of MorphOS version
Ruby 1.9.0PPC16.02.2007OpenSourceHPinterpreted scripting language
Sashimi 1.8.1PPC30.03.2009FreewareHPintercepts raw serial debug output from applications (improved Drop-in replacement for Sushi)
ScuiLib 0.6 betaPPC
01.03.2008Freeware GUI library for Hollywood
SDLBasic PPC18.06.2006OpenSourceHPSimple sdlBasic interpreter
searchprogdir 1.00PPC02.01.2011Freeware searchprogdir help to find the path of your prog
sge2d 0.9.2PPC21.12.2012OpenSource SDL Game Engine
SimpleCat 3.22PPC
31.01.2011FreewareHPPowerful CatComp replacement
SPatch 6.51 rel. 4PPC
15.08.2007OpenSource clone of SAS Binary File Patcher
Splint 3.1.2PPC24.01.2009OpenSourceHPtool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes
Storm C PPC
 CommercialHPIntegrated Development Environment for AmigaOS, programming language C
StormWizard 2.268k CommercialHPGUI builder
Subversion 1.5.2PPC16.09.2008OpenSourceHPrevision control system, successor to RCS/CVS
SWI Prolog 2.9.1068k19.05.1998Freeware programing language Prolog
TinyGL SDK PPC30.08.2005OpenSourceHPsubset of the OpenGL API
Triton 2.0PPC20.02.2006OpenSourceHPTriton GUI creation system
vbcc 0.9bPPC05.08.2011FreewareHPoptimizing ISO C compiler (MorphOS ELF)
vdappc 1.3PPC06.04.2008OpenSource PowerPC disassembler
vlink 1.2fPPC
14.07.2009OpenSourceHPa portable linker for multiple file formats
Wierd PPC29.09.2005OpenSourceHPWierd programming language
Wipeout 1.33PPC15.06.2009OpenSource Debug tool for memory allocations
zLib 1.2.3PPC28.12.2006OpenSourceHPcompression software from Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler, development files

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Czech PowerPC User Group